Friday, November 27, 2009

Stop All This Shit~

What the hell is going on with my life?
It feel so shitty!
Someone once so dear to me now have change into someone I dont know anymore.
Why people can change just a *snap*.
Things you have said are empty words now.
They no long have any value and dont worth anything.
It hurt so badly see thing have became like this.

Adult, I'm not one yet.
But dont trust what they say, cause is all lie!
They teach us never to tell lie but in the end they are the one who is.
Bluff, us teenager and kids.
What punishment they get?

They always compare us with senior,sister even my friend.
What is this?
I am who I am! Everyone is different and special in their way.
This is what all adult say but yet,they still do all the oppsite.
Come on,sometime slow down and
think what you all have teach us are you learning it.

When will all this stop?
Assignment is also killing me slowly!

A very damn stress girl now

Found this nice poem from a book

Everyone person born in this
world represents
something new ,
Something that never
existed before,
something original
and unique.

Martin buber

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